Thursday, January 30, 2014


假设买一房,40万,down pay 10, 贷款30万,出租30年,全部付清。卖掉。开始300/月净收入。

× 增值。
It is the sale price minus buy-in price, minus repair/remodel cost and transaction cost (commission, closing cost, inspection fee), etc.
假如卖80万,就是10万本,赚40 (减去成本,大约30-33万) 在东西两岸,这是很大的一头。
× 出租收入
It is the monthly rental income, deducted by mortgage, property tax, management fee and all the other costs such as repair etc. This portion can be 0 or negative for a certain period if we have a major repair or property vacancy.
× 本金和贷款偿付
It is the difference between the buy-in price and loan balance which includes the down payment and loan principle pay down over the time.
很多人忘了这个大头。 这是40万呀。房客帮你付了30万。

× 管理, 日常运行。。。
× 准备金, reserve fund
× 保险和意外,。。。

买得低价,一起都容易一点, 高位上,就看个人了

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